Wednesday 9 January 2013

Potty Training Tips For Girls

One of the longest running myths out there is that it is much faster when potty training girls as supposed to potty training boys.

This could not be further from the truth!

Now I’m going to make a few assumptions right now. The first being you are probably a mother and the second you’re looking for information on how to potty train your daughter. Am I right or what?!

Assuming I am, there are some very obvious reasons that you might feel potty training girls is faster. The first being that you and your daughter are both females and this makes thing much easier to relate when teaching your little lady to use her potty.

The second reason is you probably feel more comfortable potty training your daughter as supposed to if you were potty training your son...

Having more in common and feeling more comfortable are big factors in you potty training girls successfully and not with how fast your son or daughter pick it up.

Here is one of my favourite potty training tips for girls you can use to make the toilet more of a fun experience...

Grab a few dry erasable markers in different colors. Flip the toilet seat lip up and on it draw a windshield, steering wheel and get as creative as you can. Then when you sit them down on the toilet, do so backwards so their facing the toilet seat.

I find this method to be extremely effective and they love to pretend their driving. This will also work on a  few levels. It will make potty training fun for them, getting over any fear of using the toilet and it will also help prevent any regression at the same time!

In my best selling guide “Start Potty Training” I will go over exactly what you as a parent can do to get your little girl using her potty like a big kid. Absolutely covering every single potty training tip for girls...

More importantly I will give you a step by step plan that makes the entire experience feel very rewarding and will bring you two closer together as mother and daughter.

Using my plan is optional but guaranteed to work, so if you would like to spend days instead of months, never change a dirty diaper again and completely skip all frustration and constant dirty messes to clean up...
Give it a shot, you will thank me later ;)